Improving the Corrective Action Process
Price: $595.00
Suggested: Participants should have familiarity with ISO requirements, especially those for handling non-conforming work and corrective actions, and have a basic understanding of process improvement concepts.
It might be beneficial for attendees to also attend, or have attended, AWPT’s “Managing Risk in Your Organization” course, which presents a proactive view on preventing nonconformities, while this course provides a reactive view.
Equipment Needed
In-person training: None required, laptop (helpful)
Virtual delivery: Laptop (PC or Mac), PDF reader, and Microsoft Excel (if desired) – all exercises are in PDF for manual entry, too
Target Attendees
This workshop is intended for audiences whose responsibilities include identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and mitigating risks for any type of management system (focus on ISO):
- Directors, Managers, and Supervisors – Operations, Quality, Logistics, Purchasing, Customer Care, Purchasing
- Production Staff – Testing, Metrology, Calibration,
- Support Staff – Quality, Logistics, Purchasing, Customer Care
Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of the workshop, participants will be able to, through provided scenarios:
- Define key terms, differentiate between them, and explain how they are used in the continuous improvement process
- Define risk levels and appropriate actions
- Differentiate between corrections and corrective actions
- Implement steps for carrying out effective cause analysis
- Select and apply various tools that support cause analysis
- Support and critique cause analyses carried out by others
- Identify monitoring frequencies and evaluation techniques for implemented corrective actions
CEUs Awarded
0.7 CEUs Awarded* (7 active training hours, 8 hours total)
* A2LA WorkPlace Training is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.
Presentation Style
Lectures, discussions, and classroom exercises.
ISO 31000:2018 – “Risk Management – Guidelines”
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 – “Conformity Assessment – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”
ISO 9001:2015 – “Quality management systems – Requirements”
Training Dates
May 20, 2025
Virtual Class
8am - 5pm EST
August 19 – 20, 2025
Virtual Class
1pm - 5pm EST
November 18, 2025
Virtual Class
8am - 5pm EST