Accreditation vs Certification: What You Should Know
What is Accreditation?
What is Registration?
Certification is a written assurance that a product, process, or service conforms to specified requirements. For example: a product, such as a freezer or refrigerator, may be certified by Energy Star based on their specific requirements for that category of products. Organizations may also have an individual process or system – like a QMS – certified to indicate that it meets specific requirements. Many of the organizations that certify products are accredited against another ISO standard called ISO/IEC 17065:2012 “Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services”. Some of the confusion between registration, accreditation, and certification comes from the fact that many organizations issue a document called a “certificate of accreditation” or a “certificate of registration,” but a “certificate of accreditation” to ISO/IEC 17025, for example, indicates that the organization has ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, not ISO/IEC 17025 certification.
What is Certification?
If you’re not certain what form of conformity assessment activity, be it registration, certification, or accreditation would be most applicable to your business, contact the experts at AWPT. We can provide insight on standards applicable to your industry or region. If you know what standard you need information on, but aren’t sure where to find it, we offer courses on a variety of different ISO standards, including self-directed e-learning.