

Understanding ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and AOAC Food Program Guidelines

Virtual Event

This March 2024 updated course focuses on the application of the 17025 requirements and the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Guidelines for Laboratories Performing Microbiological and Chemical Analyses of Food, Dietary Supplements Requirements, [...]

Managing Risk in Your Organization

Virtual Event

This course introduces the participants to risk-based thinking from an international standards perspective.

About ISO 15189:2022 for Medical and Point of Care Testing Labs

Virtual Event

The primary purpose of this course is to help leadership and laboratory technicians improve the confidence of laboratory users by providing a structure that promotes consistency of service, valid results, and patient confidentiality.

Introduction to Measurement Uncertainty

Virtual Event

This course is a suitable introduction for both calibration and testing laboratory participants, focusing on the concepts and mathematics of the measurement uncertainty evaluation process.

Applied Measurement Uncertainty for Calibration Laboratories

Virtual Event

During this course, the participant will be introduced to several tools and techniques that can be applied in the calibration laboratory environment to efficiently and effectively create measurement uncertainty budgets which comply with ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.

Understanding ISO 17034 for Reference Material Providers

Virtual Event

This course provides the participant with a comprehensive look at the requirements of ISO 17034, as well as associated definitions from ISO Guide 30, requirements for statistical methods from ISO Guide 35, and requirements for accompanying descriptive information from ISO Guide 31.